Data/Tech Infrastructure

iCrypto's robust technology infrastructure is meticulously designed to provide users with a seamless, reliable, and secure platform tailored to their diverse needs within the digital asset ecosystem. The technical aspects of iCrypto's architecture detailing the stack and infrastructure components that enable our platform to deliver a superior user experience and cutting-edge analytics.

1. Frontend Architecture

iCrypto's frontend is crafted using modern technologies to ensure optimal performance and user engagement. Key components include:

  • Monorepo: Shared codebase for efficient development

  • Next.js (React): High-performance & SEO-friendly frontend

  • React Query: Simplified data fetching and caching

  • Zustand: Manages global application state

  • Mantine: Pre-built UI components for faster development

2. Backend Architecture

iCrypto's backend is engineered for scalability, efficiency, and responsiveness. Essential elements include:

  • Nodejs: Use nodejs to build cost-effective, scalability and high performance backend

  • Postgres: High performance, high availability and extensibility database

  • Clickhouse: The real-time data warehouse optimized for fast analytics query

  • Redis: A fast caching solution

  • Kafka: The distributed event streaming platform used for high-performance data pipeline, streaming analytics.

3. Data Aggregation and Processing

iCrypto employs a combination of technologies for efficient data gathering, processing, and transformation, core components include:

  • DBT: Utilized for data modeling and transformation to ensure accuracy and consistency

  • Python and Golang: Leveraged for custom-built APIs and backend processing tasks

  • Airflow: A workflow management platform for data engineering

  • Metabase: Business intelligence and analytics tool

4. Database and Storage

iCrypto Database and Storage were designed with high availability, scalability, high performance and cost-effective in mind:

  • Postgres (cloud sql): High performance, high availability and extensibility database.

  • Clickhouse: The real-time data warehouse optimized for fast analytics query.

  • Trino: Distributed query engine for big data analytics

  • GCS: Cheapest storage for historical data and backup data.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Vertex and Qdrant: Employed for specialized data processing and analytics tasks.

6. Infrastructure and Deployment

iCrypto's infrastructure is deployed on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for high availability, scalability, and security. Key components include:

  • Kubernetes (k8s): Utilized for container orchestration and efficient management of services and components.

  • Github Action/ Argocd: This is our CICD pipeline framework which empowered us to ship our new features to customers faster.

  • Prometheus: Metric collector and timeseri database

  • Grafana: Monitor dashboard

  • Alert Manager: Managed alert and notification

  • Loki: Log management tool

  • Terraform and Ansible: Infrastructure as code tool for provision,resource management, configuration management.

  • Cloudflare CDN: To Speed up web pages loading from anywhere

In conclusion, iCrypto's technology infrastructure is built on a foundation of cutting-edge tools and frameworks, ensuring a reliable, secure, and high-performance platform that caters to the diverse needs of users in the rapidly evolving digital asset market.

Last updated